

Revelo ensures your data meets NIST cybersecurity guidelines and 508 requirements.
Get up and running quickly in an established FedRAMP environment while still meeting open dataguidelines.
Revelo has earned authority to operate declarations from multiple government agencies and is Section 508 compliant.
Data Formats

Accepts Multiple Data Formats:
Word, Excel, .CSV. SQL, IoT

Secure Data

Securely Receive and Validate Data

Tag & Code

Tag & Code at a Granular Level

Link Data Sets

Link Multiple Data Sets

Role-Based Permissions

Role-Based Permissions

Review Workflows

Systematically Review Workflows & Scoring

Chat, Email, Social Media

Collaborate with Chat, eMail & Social Media

Embedded Analytics

Embedded Analytics

Single Sign-On

Compatible with other COTS and integrates with Single Sign-On